A better now. A better future. A better us.

We are thrilled to announce the 4th Annual Wakanda 365, a groundbreaking event that will shine a spotlight on the intersection of health equity, civic engagement, and social change.

Explore our community events by clicking on each flyer.

Colorectal Cancer (CRC) and Prostate Cancer can kill you...but they don’t have to!​

Health Connections Inc. (HCI) is a medical clinic that does a considerable amount of community outreach, awareness and creates systems for healthcare access and health equity. CRC and Prostate Cancer is an area of focus for HCI.

We can decrease colorectal and prostate cancer in Wisconsin.  Screening can detect cancer and catch it at the earliest possible stage, thereby improving the success of treatment and reducing mortality from the disease.

Welcome to MKE Health Equity and thanks for visiting. We are in the business of advancing health equity in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Health equity is about the way communities and societies are designed and the impact of that design on opportunities to be as healthy as possible. 

Hear From Our Members & Leaders

Our “why”.

Health and the contributors to good health show up in our everyday lives as we age in many ways – the foods we eat, having clean drinking water, the quality of the air we breathe, the design of our neighborhoods, the schools we attend, having a family-sustaining job, resources in the community, and policies that impact us daily. Everyone does not have the opportunity to experience their optimal health status because the contributors to good health are not available to everyone and there are changes needed in the design of communities and societies. 

Want to join the movement or get involved?